Tuesday 29 May 2018


In strength training and fitness, the squat is a compound, full body exercise that trains: primarily the muscles of the thighships and buttocksquadriceps femoris musclehamstrings, as well as strengthening the bonesligaments and insertion of the tendons throughout the lower body. 

1. I put my arms straight out in front of me, parallel to the ground. Keep your spine in a neutral position. This means don’t round your back.

2.Your weight  should be on the heels and the balls of your feet, as if you were pasted to the ground.  You should be able to wiggle your toes the entire movement.

3.Keep your entire body tight the entire time.
4.Now, breathe in, break at your hip and push your butt back.  Keep sending your hips backwards as your knees begin to bend.  It’s important that you start with your hips back, and not by bending your knees.
5.Keep your back straight, with your neutral spine, and your chest and shoulders up.Lookstraight ahead.
6.As you squat down, focus on keeping your knees in line with your feet. Many new lifters need to focus on pushing their knees out so they track with their feet. So, watch you knees! When they start to come inside the toes, push them out (but not wider than your feet). Make sure your knees are out!
7.Squat down until your hip joint is lower than your knees. We are looking at your hip joint here, not your thighs. Depending on the size of your thighs, your squat may appear to be less deep than it truly is.  You can go deeper than this, however, anything less than parallel is a partial squat.



Project Guidelines

1) The teacher will upload some videos of this kind of music to the blog, in order to ask a series of questions about it. The artists are Loreena McKennitt, Gwendal and Pamela Wyn Shannon. 
2) The lyrics of the song All Souls Night by Loreena McKennitt will be uploaded, and the students will translate it (after working on it with the teacher in Music classes).
3) Together, we will play the song O Son do Ar by Luar na Lubre. Instruments: recorder and acoustic guitar. Issues related to digitations, rhythm, tempo, expression, and so on will be under evaluation. 
Deadline: around 10th June.

A- Listen to this video and translate the lyrics.

Hogueras salpican las colinas hirvientes
figuras danzan alrededor y alrededor
A los tambores que emiten ecos
de la oscuridad
Moviéndose hacia el sonido pagano.
Algún lugar en la memoria escondida
Imágenes flotan delante de mis ojos
De fragantes noches de pajas y hogueras
Y bailando hasta la siguiente sorpresa.

Puedo ver luces en la distancia
Temblando en la oscuridad
capa de la noche.
Velas y linternas
Están bailando bailando
Un vals en todas las almas anochecidas.
Figuras de tallos de maíz 
Se doblan en las sombras 
Sosteniendolas tan alto como las llamas saltan.
El caballero verde tiene 
el unico acebo
Para marcar por donde los viejos tiempos pasaban.

Puedo ver luces en la distancia
Temblando en la oscuridad 
capa de la noche
Velas y Linternas
están bailando bailando
un vals en todas las almas anochecidas.
Hogueras salpican las colinas hirvientes,
figuras danzan alrededor y alrededor
A los tambores que emiten ecos
de la oscuridad.
Moviéndose hacia el sonido pagano.
de pie en el puente que cruza el río
que sale al mar
El puente está lleno de miles voces 
que pasan por el puente y yo.

Puedo ver luces en la distancia
Temblando en la oscuridad 
capa de la noche
Velas y Linternas
están bailando bailando
un vals en todas las almas anochecidas.
puedo ver las luces en la distancia 
tenblando en la oscuridad 
capa de la noche
velas y linternas
estan bailando  bailando 
un vals en todas las almas anochecidas.

B- Who is Loreena McKennitt? (2 or 3 lines are enough).
Loreena Isabel Irene McKennitt, (born February 17, 1957) is a Canadian musician, composer, harpist, accordionist, and pianist who writes, records and performs world music with Celtic and Middle Eastern themes. McKennitt is known for her refined and clear dramatic soprano vocals.She has sold more than 14 million records worldwide.
                                       Resultado de imagen de loreena mckennitt

C- Is it just “Celtic” Music or there are another music influences? Which ones? 
Resultado de imagen de Pamela WynNo,there isn´t.Others celtic music influencers are Luar na Lubre,Milladoiro,Gwendal,Clannad,Celtic Woman,etc.

D- Who is Pamela Wyn Shannon? (2 or 3 lines are enough).
Is a singer of county music and singing light (born 1975/1976), originally from the US, but now has moved from Amherst, Massachusetts and lived in the Gwynfrynnear Wrexham with his partner Eifion Wyn Williams.

E- Where does she come from?
She is from Massachussets,in the U.S.A.

F- In your own words, try to express the feeling you get listening to this music (2 or 3 lines are enough). 
I feel relaxed,because the melody and the voice of the singer is very soft.The instruments (guitar and a soft sound of a bagpipe)are very calm too.This kind of music remind me of the middle Ages.

G- Do some research about the poem The Unquiet Grave which this song is based on, and answer these questions: what is the main topic of the song? Do you like the story? Why or why not? 
The Unquiet Grave" is an English folk song in which a young man mourns his dead love too hard and prevents her from obtaining peace.The main topic is love.Yes,I like the story because I love romantic stories although then they end badly.

H- Where do they (Gwendal) come from?
Gwendal is an instrumental group of Breton and Celtic music formed in 1972.It is from Brittany,in France.

I- Open your mind and let your imagination fly free!! : what does this music (Gwendal) transmit to you? (3 or 4 lines are enough). 
This music,is very strange,I have never heared it,but I can´t deny is very happy and cheerful.I can distinguish the violin,but there is other sound I don´t know what it is.

 F- This is the song we are playing together (O Son do Ar).


                     WORK AND PLAY

sales assistant:dependiente
work experience:curriculum
book a hostel/hotel/B and B:reservar un hostal/hotel
hire (a car):alquilar (un coche)

apply : to make use as relevant or suitable.
career : a profession that is one's most important work in life.
charity : gifs of money or things to aid the poor, ill, or helpless.

office : a place where business, work or one's job is conducted or accomplished.
work experience : the experience of work some days.
cabin crew : the insole of a cabin.
check in : to stop the motion of suddenly or with; restrain.
delayed : of or pertaining to a particle, as a neutron or alpha particle, that is emitted from an excited nucleus formed in a nuclear reaction, the emission occurring some time after the reaction is completed.
long haul : of or pertaining to a long haul.
on my way : I make the things like I want.
cure : a medicine or treatment to heal or restore health;

hunter : a person who chases or searches for wild animals.
poison : a substance that taken into the body can destroy life or cause illness.
tracks : a pair of parallel lines of rails on which a railroad train, trolley, or the like runs.
tribe : a group of people descended from the same ancestor, having similar customs and traditions.


  • Unit 6:
Present perfect:👍👍👍
Been and gone:👍👍
Present perfect with ever and never:👍👍
There has /have been:👍👍👍
  • Unit 8:
Indefinite pronouns:👍👍👍
Quantifiers(some,any,a lot of,much,many,(not)enough):👍👍

Searching for the ideal job: 👍👍

 Radio chatline:  👍👍
 Free festival:👍👍👍

Searching for the ideal job: 👍👍👍
The snake catchers:👍👍👍
Free festival: 👍👍👍
Writing an e-postcard: 👍👍

Comment on the film-Shakespeare in Love:👍👍
Writing an e-postcard:👍👍

  • I have learned some new vocabulary and the two different forms of the past participle of the verbs go :been and gone.


  • I have to work in the quantifiers,I´m a little confused in when I have to put each one.


  • I have learned very things about Shakespeare.


  • I have done the exam of this term very well,and the writing too.


                           ROMEO AND JULIET,SCENE I ACT II By:Laura Sánchez Cames,Manu Martín and Andrea Almaraz